Hello Reader,
Larry the Letter Carrier bounced into the savanna in South Africa, and I began to tell him about my night at the Laughing Hyena Joke Club, and he was like, whoa mate – put it in a letter so I can share with my online friends.
Let me begin by introducing myself, my name is Harry Hyena, and I am a jokester at the Laughing Hyena Joke Club located deep in the Savanna in a straw covered hut where the floor is dusty dirt. I tell my jokes standing on top of a falling rotting tree log.
It was primate night at the Laughing Hyena Joke Club. The audience was mostly gorillas, bonobos and chimpanzees, they knew how to laugh it up and have a fun time. I jumped up on the log and saw some elephants, giraffes and other wild animals. I cackled, “Hiya, hiya, hiya, welcome to Laughing Hyena Joke Club!” The monkeys hoo hoo hooed, and I heard a few elephant grunts and some snorts from the giraffes. They were ready to laugh! I giggled, “it's all monkey business tonight, so I won't monkey around! Let's get to the jokes.”
I opened the show with a joke just for the primates. “Knock, knock” I grunted. The crowd howled back, “Who’s there”? “Monkey”, just saying the word made all the monkeys jump around and clap their hands. They asked, “Monkey who?” “Monkey kiss me!!” I replied. The bonobos shouted with a “whoop, whoop”, their arms in the air. The chimpanzees blew raspberries, and I got a belch or two from the gorillas.
“Why did the chicken not like to sunbathe? He didn’t want to get fried!” More cackles, hoos, and whoops from the crowd. “Let's take it out of Africa, what did the Eskimo say to his igloo? Mushrooms!!” the crowd was silent, the animals all looked at one another and then all at once it seemed everyone got the joke! The elephants trumpeted; the giraffes bellowed. The primates went ape crazy! The bonobos jumped over two feet in the air!! They really liked it! I did a couple of growls to calm the crowd down “do we have any felines from Cat Country out there?” I squinted to see, but then heard their massive roars! I hoped they would find the next jokes funny. Unsure, I asked, “Why can't you believe anyone in Cat Country? Because they are always lion!” there were a few growls and roars, but the primates whooped and hooed. “Why can't the hyena win the jungle 5K? Because there are always cheetahs!!” the growls seemed to get closer, but the crowd kept the big cats far enough away to keep me safe.
I then decided to tell a few back-to-back jokes without stopping for any of the applause, just to keep the laughter going. Here are the few I shared, please feel free to tell your friends! Why was the elevator moody? Because it had its ups and downs! Why was the jackal a handyman? Because he was a jackal all trades. Why did the fox sleep hanging upside down? Because he was a bat-eared fox! Why couldn’t the meerkat be a superhero? Because he was just a mere-kat.
I had another round of jokes before the show ended. After a few whines, I got the attention of all the animals. Here we go again, “Why did the cow go to the cornfield? To see the moovies.” I got a couple of high hoots from the bonobos. “Come on, they are cows – where else would they go to see a moovie?” This got a few more whoops and hoos. I thought for a moment, then giggled, “What is black and white and red all over?” The gorillas shrugged their shoulders and belched. I finished the joke, “a zebra that fell asleep in the sun!” The giraffes really seemed to like that one, they did a bit of humming along with a few snorts. I made a little squitting sound and rubbed my tummy, I was getting hungry. That reminded me of another joke. I growled, “Why did the hyena spit out the clown? Because he tasted funny!” This brought the primates to their feet. Once again their arms where in the air and they were jumping around. The chimpanzees were smacking their lips and blowing raspberries. This time the gorillas chuckled. Primate nights are always a bit wild.
I had two more jokes for the evening. With a couple of whoops of my own, I got the crowd quiet. “Why can’t spotted hyenas be serious? Because they are always laughing! It’s true, I am always laughing. Why wasn’t the striped hyena invited to the Laughing Hyena Joke Club? Because they don’t laugh! This is so funny because its true!!” I couldn’t control my own giggles. My foot slipped off the log, but I didn’t fall. The crowd thought it was part of the show. They all danced around, waahed, whooped, trumpeted, snorted, chuckled, hooed, and giggled. “Alright wild ones” I cackled, “you don’t have to go back to your dens, towers, herds, prides or trees, but you can’t stay here! Good night and thank you for coming to the Laughing Hyena Joke Club.”
Once everyone was gone, I jumped down from the rotten tree log and took a deep breath. Yep, I am a jokester!
Remember, writing is right on! So, write a comment below. Feel free to leave me a joke or let me know which one was your favorite!
Your friend,
Harry Hyena
Do you remember? Where is the Laughing Hyena Joke Club located? What sound did the gorilla make? What type of hyena doesn’t laugh?
Additional tidbits: Hyenas live in clans of 80 and are social animals. They have great hearing and can hear sounds up to 6 miles away. They are intelligent and competitive animals. Females lead the clan and babies are born with their eyes open and squitting is the sound they make when they are hungry. The largest land animal in the savanna is the elephant and the giraffe is the tallest. Groups of giraffes are called towers. Bonobos live in a “party” of 100 or more and they sleep in nest in trees. All of the sounds made by the animals in the story are actual sounds they make in the wild!