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Larry visits Australia

Updated: Apr 10, 2023

Dear Reader,

Larry the Letter Carrier here, last week I hoped into Oz to visit some rellies and I was like whoa mate, I need to put this adventure in a letter for my online friends.

As I said, last week, I visited some relatives in my homeland, Australia. They were having a barbie, the cookout was to welcome me home. All my cobbers were there, some even brought me prezzies. I love getting gifts a heap! My friends like to call me the postie because I deliver mail. Since my mail delivering has kept me away from home, my cobbers planned some fun for us.

They planned a day at the Great Barrier Reef, an amazing place to see with red, blue and purple coral. We put on our sunnies and dipped our big feet in the water. We were wading through the water when I felt a nibble on my leg, I jumped about 3 feet into the air, came down with a big splash, and landed on my bottom. My friends got a good laugh. While trying to stand up, my face went under the water, and I came face to face with a dugong. Once again, I bounced out of the water and this time I came down and landed on the back of the dugong. Like a rodeo horse he began bucking and then swimming fast around the reef. I was holding on the best I could, but it was a bumpy ride. Slowly I made it to my feet and balanced myself on the back of the dugong. This move seemed to calm the dugong, so he slowed down and began to swim gracefully back to shore. I bogged in and surfed the Great Barrier Reef on the back of a dugong!

Next, we decided to hop down the coastline. On the way, we hopped into a milk bar and grabbed some fairy floss and lollies – or you might say, we hopped into the grocery store and bought cotton candy and candies! It was a sweet way to end the day.

The next day, we went for brekkie and I ate pancakes with jelly. We came up with a spiffy idea for the day’s activity. We decided to head to the outback, meet up with more rellies and spend time around a bush telly. Since the campfire wouldn’t start until nighttime, we had some time to explore. We jumped here and there and made our way to the Blue Mountains. We enjoyed the walking trails and jumping into the waterfalls. We came across a few more relatives, as well as some koalas, and saw lots of eucalyptus, the plant that some say is the reason the mountains look blue. Back to the campsite, we sat around the bush telly and someone tossed in a few fireworks – when they exploded the sky was lit up with sparkles of red, blue and purple much like the coral in the Great Barrier Reef. It was a g’day mate.

Hooroo for now, Larry the Letter Carrier

Do you remember? Where is Larry the Letter Carrier’s homeland? Where did Larry and his friends go first? What did Larry eat for breakfast (brekkie)?

Additional tidbits: There are more kangaroos in Australia than people, almost twice as many! Because of how huge and muscular their tail is, kangaroos can’t jump backwards. A group of kangaroos is called a mob, troop, or court. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef. It is one of the world’s natural wonders and can be seen by astronauts from space. The reef is over 20 million years old! The Blue Mountains spans 4,401 square miles and is over 470 million years old!

Australia slang translation:

Oz = Australia

Rellies = relatives

Mate = friend

Barbie = Cookout or barbeque

Cobbers = friends

Prezzies = presents

Heap = a lot

Postie = mail carrier

Sunnies = sunglasses

Bogged in – digging in with enthusiasm

Milk Bar = grocery store

Fairy Floss = cotton candy

Lollies = candies

Brekkie = breakfast

Spiffy = excellent

Bush telly = campfire

G’day = good day

Hooroo = goodbye

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