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Pakistan Pretty Fur Pageant

Larry the Letter Carrier jumped into Pakistan the other day and I began telling him about being the emcee at the Pakistan Pretty Fur Pageant, and he was like, whoa mate – put it in a letter so I can share with my online friends.

Hello! My name is Mikael, and I am a Rhesus Macaque. I have been the master of ceremonies for many pageants, but the Pakistan Pretty Fur Pageant is one of the most outstanding pageants I have had the honor of emceeing. I want to share some of the incredible animals with their beautiful furs, along with a little surprise that happened in the pageant. Let’s begin.

The first contestant was an Asian Black Bear, also known as a Moon Bear. He sported a beautiful black fur. His snout was a lighter brown, with deep intense eyes. His head was adorned with bell shaped ears. At the end of the runway, Moon Bear struck a pose that accented his beautiful white fur necklace!

Next up was the caracal, she pranced down the runway showing off her reddish tan fur. Lifting her front paws slightly off the ground, she gave a hint of white fur that covered her throat and belly – as well as a little spot right under her chin. With a slight over the shoulder look, her ears were striking – long and pointed with a tuft of black fur at the tips that was not only pretty but also enhanced caracal’s hearing, her stare was intense.

The Golden Jackal strolled down the runway. A sweet face with large furry triangle shaped ears. Most of his fur was short and pale creamy yellow in color except for his back. Golden Jackal did a little spin at the end of the runway to show off the long black and white fur that sat like a saddle on his back. He was stunning.

Next was a crowd favorite, Pallas’s Cat. She pounced down the runway with her short stocky body, showing off her grey, long dense fur. At the end of the runway, she paused. And turned her head from side to side so all could see her beautiful facial markings. Her head had little black spots, along with zigzag lines along her cheeks. With a little smile, her two beauty marks on either side of her nose stood out more. As she turns to walk back down the runway, her long bushy tail swayed back and forth showing off raccoon like rings down her tail.

Last we had the Markhor, the national animal of Pakistan – always a good way to end a pageant! The Markhor was majestic walking down the runway. His coat was a mix of light brown to black. The fur was long and flowy, but his most fascinating feature was his corkscrew horns! At the end of the runway the Markhor did a massive shake of his head. The long fur flew from side to side, it was a beautiful sight. But then the crowd noticed that a piece of his fur flew up to the sky and then landed on his horn. Was Markhor wearing a wig?? And then we noticed a feather floating down. What was happening. Oh my!

In swooped the Rose-ringed parakeet – stealing the show with her vibrant green feathers and bright red beak. She was beautiful. Flapping her wings and flying in and out of the contestants and then perching on top of the markhor’s horn. Striking a pose, she squawked – pretty bird, pretty bird. The crowd stood up and applauded. A new crowd favorite, the Rose-ringed parakeet won the Pakistan Pretty Fur…Feather Pageant!

Remember, writing is right on! So, write a comment below.

Your friend,

Mikael Rhesus Macaque

Do you remember? What color was the Asian Black Bear’s necklace? What shape were Golden Jackal’s ears? What is the national animal of Pakistan?

Additional tidbits – Pakistan has a diverse landscape, from seacoast to high mountains. The temperature ranges from extreme hot to cold. In 2017, summer temperatures reached 128 degrees!

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